This game is proabbly the best RPG game i have ever played in my entirre life
User Rating: 8.8 | X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse PSP
X-men LEgends 1 and 2 are amzaing games. I have seen anything like. it. Obviously , x-men legends 2 is much better the ione, siomply because the storyling involves the combination of the brotherhood and x-men to Apocalypse : the greatest enemy of the x-men. I n this game you will trvle aroung egypt to know the secrewts of aopcalpyse. hmm, i wonder if this is related to x-men 3 the movie. Wll i sure hopes so. X-men 3 the movie is proabbly gonnna the best for 2006, spiderman doesnt even come clsoe,.This game is proabbly the best RPG game i have ever played in my entirre life