An excellent sequel to the first-class RPG - a must for Marvel fans and anyone wanting an action game with mutant powers
This game has a solid co-operative multi-player mode, making it ideal as a party game - but the single player version is equally brilliant (due to being exactly the same), but perhaps easier to deal with; i.e., the camera only wants to follow one player?
The character selection is impecable, featuring a range of X Men characters from different eras (with interchangable outfits - YAY) and other seemingly randomly place Marvel characters, such as Iron Man and Nick Fury. X characters include Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Storm, Jubilee & Gambit, and also newly included 'Brotherhood' characters such as Magneto and Mystique.
At times the gameplay can seem repetitive, with the traditional 'corridor' layout being applied to virtually all levels. But unique bosses such as Archangel and Dark Beast all come with their own puzzlers and somewhat vary the gameplay.
The graphics are, unfortunately, nothing special. They are better than the original's, but only slightly. The game didn't win any graphics awards, and rightly so, however it's lack of silverware for it's gameplay strengths and inovation in the Marvel universe is upsetting :(