Yet another side scrolling action game.

User Rating: 7 | X-Men Origins: Wolverine DS
X-Men Origins: Wolverine for DS is a fairly fun game but gets old. You basically move right to progress through the level and kill a few enemies in almost every room you enter. The enemies do change which is good to see; nobody likes killing the same opponent over and over. Each enemy has a distinctive appearance and for the most part has their own special moves. The combat is basically just clawing or punching with mediocre combos. However, this game is very similar to Spider-man Web of Shadows or any other side scrolling action game.

The graphics are exceptional for the DS but of course, are not as eye pleasing as we'd like. The game play does not use much of the bottom screen. Sometimes there will be a comic for you to find where you just touch the X in the circle when the bottom screen goes blue but other than that, its not used aside from story text.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a fun game for fans of Marvel but is definitely not worth retail price.