By the exhilarating words once spoken by Homer Simpson: Woohoo!
X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a movie tie-in, based on the movie of the same name. Loosely following the story, but the same in the general idea, you visit Wolverine in his past and his future. Your razor sharp claws, bone or adimantium, can cut through mostly anything; yeah, you can can cut peoples arms, legs and heads off. Your healing ability also allows you to heal from almost any wound. You can take lasers, gunshots, knife wounds and being crushed.
The Good:
1. The amount of gore makes this game relate much better to the comics, unlike the movie where dismemberment is one of the rarest things to find.
2. The character make up is full of meat, you can see muscle and skin regrow in real time, take enough abuse and you can see Wolverine's bone structure.
3.The CG cut-scenes are very good in appearance.
The Bad:
1. The game is not in full 1080p HD, and quite frankly, the graphics of the 720 definition are not very good.
2. Can be extremely buggy, for example: I ran into an area and I see a giant stone Leviathan, OH MY GOD! wait a minute....why the heck isn't it moving?
3. The only reason you will ever die is if you stay still and take abuse from the enemies or you fall down a no go area.
The Good and the Bad balance each other out in my mind but I think that this game deserves a 10 because: have you ever been so angry at someone you wanna rip their head off our cut them in half, play the game and imagine all the enemies are that person and you Wolverine. No? Then imagine Kratos with hair, a skin tone, and indestructible bones and claws.
Convinced by my review or not, X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a game you should definitely have on your shelf.