Mindless button mashing has seldom been as enjoyable as it has in X-men Origins: Wolverine, it's worth checking out.
* The game takes full advantage of what makes Wolverine who he is in terms of his abilities. Whether that's the healing feature which actually shows the bullet holes in his body and him actually regenerating missing... Features. Or him using his claws as if they were actually claws and tearing the enemy to shreds, quite literally in many cases.
* Simple controls let you masterfully do the above mentioned tearing enemies to shreds with ease, no complicated combos.
* The game bounces backwards and forwards between time lines, offering a variety in game environments in doing so.
* Light platforming and puzzle solving elements detract from the thrill of gutting people. Wolverine shouldn't have to solve pressure plate puzzle to get through a door, he should frigging claw his way through said door.
* Faithful fans of certain characters might be disappointed in the games interpretation. Though they haven't really screwed up a lot that the movie didn't already screw up from what I hear, so I'm sure it's a faithful adaption of the movie if that counts for anything.
For the most part this is what a Wolverine game should be.
He should be constantly tearing dudes apart.
He should be getting torn apart. And when he gets torn apart we should watch in awe as he recuperates from everything from bullet holes to a large spike through the chest.
And that's what we get in this game based on a movie based on a comic.
The game bounces backwards and forwards between Africa and Generic Cityscape/Research Labs/Warehouse Deals/Casinos which offers up some variety in the locale and the enemy.
Theres a large amount of dudes with guns, knives, pyrokinetic mutants and robots to maim and maiming is quite fun, if not a tad button mashy. Theres some combos you can pull off but nothing terrifically complicated.
It keeps things simple enough that anyone could pick up and play right off the bat.
Occasionally after carving your way through many henchmen types you'll come across a boss fight, almost all of which can be won by lunging onto the dudes back and punching him to death before triggering a short, simple quick time event to rip their heads off or some such.
The lunging ability is quite fun and allows you to leap at dudes from right across the room.
It's awesome to watch. I honestly doubt you could get tired of it. I didn't anyway.
So yeah. Carving through henchmen. You do that quite literally.
Slashing into guys is usually accompanied by lots of blood and you'll be lopping off arms, legs, heads and chopping guys in half all over the place. It's pretty cool to watch.
What else is neat is that as you take damage well it shows.
Dudes blow you up and you'll be missing large chunks out of your stomach, revealing the adamantium skeleton beneath which is pretty cool. And once Wolvies healing factor kicks in you can watch it all grow back and be as good as new too. That's pretty cool.
So the game looks good.
It sounds good.
Story wise it's passable, though fans with more intimate knowledge of the characters then I have will find a few things to be outraged about I'm sure. I know there were a few character details that bugged me somewhat, but that's perhaps delving too much into spoiler territory.
Play the game, watch the movie or just check Wikipedia or something if you're up for some disappointment.
Difficulty? Well it wasn't difficult.
I think I only died once the whole time I played.
I don't recall how long it took me to complete. I want to say a little over ten hours.
I think it was a bit longer then I expected it to be. Guess I've just played so many terribly short games as of late I expected Wolverine to continue the trend, but the devs have done a pretty good job of padding the game out without I don't know, making it become overly repetitive and boring.
The game isn't entirely without it's issues and I wouldn't vote it game of the year or anything, but I had A LOT of fun with it and I'm even considering going back and playing through it again on a harder difficulty and I seldom replay a game as linear as Wolverine, but tearing dudes to shreds is just so much fun I think that I might have too.