game graphics suck but the fmv's were great!!

User Rating: 5 | X-Men Origins: Wolverine PSP
the graphics of the game were bad it was so bad that when wolverine rolls he teleports already you don't see him rolling anymore and when your sometimes fighting enemies and wolverine grabs then throws they don't fly normally they also teleport and the background of the game was too few it looked so empty it didn't even seem like building to me it seemed like a construction zone with a new built building with boxes and wires but the thing i liked in the whole game were the fmv's(movies) it was so amazing it almost looked real!!-this is my first review so please don't say anything bad about if you can. ill just put some letters so the minimum characters is reached(foojofjw ofjq wofjoiboq wihrqvm wr hwq ovirh mio qwvmrh oi mhiqvq wmiorhoqwvrhv mrqvohrqwi ohmorqwio mhviohrm qvio