The a$$-kicking makes it worth it
User Rating: 9 | X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Uncaged Edition) PS3
I'm not a big fan of comics, though I enjoy browsing through some once in a while. This game is pure action, lots of destruction and fun. There are some small bugs with it, such as you standing in mid-air in some situations, but I'm sure these will be fixed soon enough. The story is pretty interesting and I love how it goes into slow motion so you can watch the result of your combo as wolvie lays waste to the enemies. The bosses aren't terribly difficult but they last long enough to try a few things on them, just to have fun with it. A lot of people compare this game to God of War but that's just because they have nothing new to say, similar to this writing. :-) I was going to wait to rent this game but changed my mind last minute and pre-ordered the game. Now I am happy I pre-ordered the game since it really is a lot of fun. Check it out!