Total rip-off.

User Rating: 3 | X-Men Origins: Wolverine PS2
In my country there is an expression that I think describes me best as a gamer, and as a consumer as well: "To commit the same sin twice, proves you being a not wise man". The sin in my case is to buy games that shout from miles away that they are mediocre. Every single time just before I make the wrong choice, I say to myself: "how bad could it be? It's a famous franchise behind this, so it can't be totally crap". I did it with "Alone In The Dark", and I almost quitted video-games. I did it for the second time with "Tomb Raider Underworld", and it took me days to get back on my feet. Now I did it for the third time, with "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" for the PS2. Well alright... X-Men is not totally broken, as those games, but it's dangerously close to their standards.

I must say now some words for the game itself. It hurts, to bring all these back to my mind, but that's how reviews are supposed to be written.

Probably the title's weakest point. Hardly PS2 quality. To get somehow the picture it's something between Medal of Honor (for PS1) and Grand Theft Auto 3 (for PS2). Generic environments, and poorly designed. Actually it seems to me, more like a copy-paste procedure from Activision's graphics library. I bet it took them one month, or less, to prepare it. For a game released in 2009, there is absolutely no excuse for this outcome. I've seen some games of 2001 that looked a thousand times better: Final Fantasy X, Silent Hill 2, Resident Evil Code Veronica X, Baldur's Gate, Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid 2...need I say more??? I don't know what's happening with PS2 titles over the last year. Is this some kind of plot to persuade the millions of PS2 owners that their aged console is over, and they need to buy the PS3 console? If that's the case, I already bought the PS3, I've done my "duty", as many others, so now can you please give the proper attention to PS2, and not ridicule the console any further?

The same voice-overs are heard through each level. I've learnt by heart the phrases of the dying men slaughtered by Wolverine that can be heard in the first level: "Somebody help me! It hurts! Oh my god! Can't stop the bleeding! I'm sorry-I'm sorry, Where did he go? I just saw him-this way! You ain't welcomed around here. Someone call an ambulance!" If you heard something different, please e-mail me.

Merciless hack n' slash action, mixed with some sadistically hard platform jumps, some quick time event button sequence, enhanced with some basic RPG elements.- so that everyone is happy, I guess… But none of these makes really any difference, it's sheer hack n' slash aright. Repetitive and boring to death.

STORY: Wolverine is after his evil brother Creed, (or is it the opposite?). I don't know why, and I really don't care to find out, because I had enough with this crappy game.

Needless to be said, but in case I wasn't clear enough: my advice is to stay away from this game, for your wallet, and for your mental health's sake.