Addictive, and that's the least I can say…

User Rating: 9.5 | X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Uncaged Edition) PC
You say button mashing fun, I say wrong answer.

You say extensive gore, still wrong answer.

You say slash and dash, again wrong answer.

and you keep going on forever trying to describe this work of art, immersive, amazing, flawless "but not for the controls on PC" title and I say wrong answer again.

All the way tell you say addictive and I go bingo. Because it is addictive, for it should be even the meaning of such word in the dictionary when you look it up.

I'm not over exaggerating here but for me to leave every day from my work to head home and do like 5 to 6 hours of wolverine gaming, sleep hardly for 5 hours and then back to work and keep thinking all day about the minute I go home to start playing again. Now that's what I call addictive.

I never went berserk on a game like this before; I'm not eating right, sleeping enough or even working full powered. All because of "Activision" latest hit title
I even get the shivers every time I get to stare at the loading screen for it to be the last mission, chapter or whatever you call it. Coz I want this game to go forever.

Well, for such game with amazing features it was still surprising to me how it's not a high end hardware demanding game. After all it uses Unreal engine and some pretty eye candy effect but I still say that the porting of this game was not a 100% success as it really suffer from some minor glitches as when it's comes to graphics and finally the controls are really sticky when it comes to moving around.

As previously mentioned downs of the game this should get any game no further than 7.5 or 8 on "Game Spot" rating system but I went 9.5 as for the high of this game when it come to fun factor is really overwhelming and dominating so that it the downs are really neglictable.