X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Having not seen the film of the same name till after playing this game, it was interesting to see how in keeping with it the game is, although admittedly it is much gorier and brutal than the film.
From the point of view though as someone that was unfamiliar with the film I found the game to have just the right amount of detail in the back story to help flesh out the characters so you would (as someone new to the X-Men World) have a fair idea of the characters, their backgrounds, motivations, and what makes them tick (or ticks them off).
Of course the most important part is the game itself, and that was a unexpected surprise. While I was probably expecting the usual fair for this type of game, I found it at some points to be fairly challenging but for the most part to just the right sort of difficulty to be challenging (especially some of the puzzles).
The game follows the film with some added parts to naturally flesh it out beyond the length of the film, but this is no bad thing and in fact these parts (mainly flashback sequences) are a nice addition.
I would recommend this game if your looking not just for those that are fans of the films, or marvel, but also to those looking for a really good platformer/fighter/shooting type game,