Best wolverine game ever made, but...
this game is great, it has much gore, costumes, sharp looking graphics, kinda cool enemies-although i wished for a bit more tough foes-but it also has it's share of flaws, that prevented it from being an excellent game. it starts off where wolverine is dropping from a plane and lands on one enemy to tear him apart!! and that is a good start, then there's the issue of bugs where the game slows down for no aparent reason, also i would like to mention i didn't like hugh jackman's voice acting, because it was bad in specific points of the game, like when he talks with female doctor inside the weapon x facility, it was bad.
One final issue i didn't like much, apart from being a very easy game, the game ended so quickly i didn't even notice, collected all the colllectables, got all the moves, in like ..2 days! but definitly it is a good game, you lunge at your enemies and take big baddies down, cool.
And one last thing to end my review with, is where is the training room on the pc version of the game?? that abscense of a feature in the game even makes it shorter!! but still it's worth playing and fun if you ignore all that.