I REALLY love this video game. It's probably one of if not the very best X-Men game of all time. It makes me wonder why hasn't it been ported to the Super Nintendo and/or Sega Genesis at the time... I don't know beats me! But my only gripe about this game is the cheap factor is really rampant. It's like if you're fighting two to three people at one time and one person gets behind you. You're screwed unlike a game like Streets of Rage where it's not much of a problem if a enemies have you surrounded, because you can punch backwards. I guess they was going into a more realistic approach to this game when it comes to Beat Em Ups. But when they get a couple of two or more punches you're done! I really hate the guys with the cannon guns. My god they're annoying! Especially the bosses. Pyro and Blob isn't too hard to deal with but once you get to the third boss and beyond. Then that is when things start getting sticky...! The voice acting is so bad that it's funny and good. And I really wished it was some health items in this game, which is why even though it's a great game. It's still a quarter eater! And there's one more thing that I don't get is why does, Storm have this lightning rod in the game? She never had a lighting rod or magic stick or whatever it is as her weapon. Maybe she's not so physically strong and skilled enough to physically beat people up without her powers unlike a Cyclopes, or Wolverine, even Dazzler... I guess it was supposed to add realism in it but whatever. It's still a great game that should be played by gamers. I hear some people say, this game sucked. well I don't know what makes them think that. Probably don't even know how to play the game but majority of people I've seen online said it is a classic. This is my Let's Play of it. I'm trying to get some gamers to watch my Let's Plays. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R748kR4gZdk
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