This game is just like I remember it....COOL! It is a perfect arcade port.

User Rating: 8 | X-Men: The Arcade Game PS3
This is game is an old arcade classic. This arcade game was one of the few arcade games that supported more than 4 players back in the day. I wide screen format was used to support six players on one machine. Back then you had to pay almost a dollar a credit to play. Now lets review.


The graphics of this game is pretty good. The combination of colors used is a lot like the comic books. And there is good detail and animation.


Typical X-men story. Stop magneto from waging an all out war with the human race.


It is just like the arcade. You have your attack, jump, and mutant power button. You can also throw close enemies and hit downed enemies. You can use your mutant powers for free as long as you have a power orb. When you are out of power orbs you have to sacrifice health in exchange for the use of your mutant power. The mutant powers are very deadly, but you will quickly learn the difference in the powers. The range and spread of each mutant's power is different.

There is a bit of enemy variety and cheap bosses; however it doesn't mean much since you have infinite continues. There isn't a way to turn infinite continues off, so it takes away from the challenge of beating the game with limited credits. Well, at least you can get revenge for all of the money you wasted trying to beat the game at arcades.

It is nice that the 6 player widescreen cabinet is available; because it is more fun to play it that way. You see everything coming your way and the large number of enemies on screen is pretty cool. The only problem I really have with this game is the fact that it is rare to play with 6 players on harder difficulties. And sometimes it is hard just to get 6 players without lag period.

Final Thoughts:

Near arcade perfection
6 player cabinet available
Japan version adds orb and health capsules

There is no challenge due to infinite continues.
Online is laggy with 6 players most of the time.

It is a fun classic that should be played if you never played it. And fans of the arcade will be pleased with it. The corny dialogue is still intact; which adds that cheesy charm of the past. Bad voice acting sometimes turns into an unforgettable charm. Doesn't Resident Evil 1 ring a bell?

I give this classic an 8 out of 10.