Does what it tried to do brilliantly.

User Rating: 8.1 | X-Men: The Official Game X360
This game isn't going to win game of the year. It didn't try to either. It's just what it is. A fun, simple game. The graphics won't take your breath away and it doesn't take all that long to beat. It would've been nice to see more of Scott/Cyclops, a truly underused character that never reached his potential in the movies. The controls are flawless and became second nature after I turned Logan's rage power on while trying to heal him a few times. The story isn't excellent, but it gives a nice tie-in between X2 and The Last Stand. Sound get's a good score because the voice-overs were done by the movie cast. That's one thing the most defiantly did flawlessly. I recommend this game, but know what you're buying. It's 10-12 hours of fun of any X-men fan. Outside of that, this game doesn't have a huge fan-base, the simple beat-em up is a lost genre in the age of Oblivion and Halo.