Why is this game getting so many bad reviews?

User Rating: 7.8 | X-Men: The Official Game X360
I liked this game so much that I bought it. This game does a few things wrong, but I didn't care. Playing as Wolverine isn't as great as you would think, but he does have some good boss fights. Everybody complains about the cutscenes but I like them. Iceman and Nightcrawler's levels are great. Iceman plays like a Ace Combat game, and Nightcrawler uses his acrobatic skills perfectly. I must admit that for a 360 game the graphics are shallow, but that is made up for the voiceacting. There are some Heros and villians like Beast,Storm,Magneto,and Pyro. The game as some replay value to unlock the costumes which most are not worth it. So overall the game is a good game worth the 60 dollars.