X-Men vs. Street Fighter Sega Saturn Review

User Rating: 8 | X-Men vs. Street Fighter SAT

X-Men vs. Street Fighter is a 2D Fighting game, developed and published by Capcom, which was released in Japan in 1997.

Ah, there's nothing as enjoyable as watching two people beat the living beejesus out of each other; it's even better if you happen to control someone who can conjure fire from his fists and connect it to some poor sap's face. The magic of video games, people!

Yes, it'll be the 25th anniversary of Capcom's Street Fighter series and we'd like to talk about its legacy and influence in great detail. With me, Jonathan Toyad, are Randolph Ramsay and SG Café writer Sim Cheng Kai; avid fans of Street Fighter. Also detailing his thoughts on Street Fighter and fighting games is Yongde, Cross Counter Asia video producer and huge contributor to the Singapore fighting game community. Fight