ahha.....let me see...

User Rating: 5.4 | X-Men: Wolverine's Rage GBC
a good game to play but too short but not that short most game boy games are short there are 14 levels in this game(because ther are 14 levels in this game because the levels are short),the graphics in this game are good better then any game boy color game!its only wolverine no other x-men mutants just wolverine's story and thats the good part about the game because your always wolverine and you can keep useing his claws!this was the classic wolverine.
when he had the mask on but now in the new x-men games he don't have no mask on or no sharp teeth!but in this game you only get to jump,move and hit enamies with your claws!but the other bad thing about this game you got time.so you can't just screw around!but its a better game then mutant wars and mutant academy because this gots better graphics and sound and like i said before your just wolverine x-men is like all about wolverine.and its still a good game to pop in your sp,color or advance if your that bord but its a good game boy color game to play but its nothing like x-men the official game of the movie(for game boy advance)

heres a cheat you can use in the game:
up(2 times)down(2 times)left,right,left right,b,a -that cheat will get you wolverine's orenge,brown costume and you will heal faster!and you have to do this code in the start screen