Little more than a novelty.
Being a devoted train fan (albeit mainly british steamers) I decided to pick up this game when I had the cash and time. Being a lesser-known game I wasn't expecting it to be terribly superb. Basically, What you're doing is racing along a made-up railway in a made-up train. You can do multiplayer (which is more fun than singleplayer) or single player races and the grand-prix. By playing the grand-prix you can unlock more tracks. by playing the tornaments you can unlock more trains. Only one engine in the entire game is a steam engine.
The guy who seems to be across between a comentator and a crewchief has one of the most annoying voices of all time. He's almost as annoying as the lady from Ford Racing 2. while the sounds are OK, the music seems a bit naff and could have been a little better.
The graphics are nothing to go mental about. They're not horrible, but not very impressive. They could have done a bit better here.
The variety in trains is OK, but all trains are fictional, which is wierd because a lot of railway companies (With the exception of some of the current companies) aren't copyrighted. They could have had some trains from British Railways, SNCF, the GWR, ASTF, etc.
The controls aren't horrible, but a bit arcade-like. Most of the trains accelerate very fast, but watch out, because if you go too fast, the train will derail on a curve. That is, unless you choose to turn the derailments off.
That said, this game was really just for a bit of fun. It wasn't about graphics or music this time, just for a game you could play when you feel a bit bored and want to play something different for a change. The Game meets its targets, even if it isn't the most wonderful game in the world.
Graphics: 3/5
Gameplay: 3/5
Music & Sound: 2/5
Controls: 3/5
Entertainment: 4/5
Overall: 15/25