This game could take you to the brink of suicide. the patients of a saint is required to play this game, SO I CHEATED!!!
I suppose this is more a review of the cheat i used but who cares i couldnt say anything that hasnt allready been said, but i suppose id better try.
The game is great even without cheating. the best thing about the game is that when it says open ended thats exactly what it means. the only way you could run out of things to do would be to destroy every ship and station in the galaxy (thats on my "to do" list) even then theres still your own stations to worry about. The worst thing about the game is the time it takes to build up some cash, oh god the time i spent sat in a station with the time accelerator turned on just waiting till my stations build enough money for a new laser, if my tv hadnt been so close i would have gone insane (well its more likely i would have just turned it off (but im glad i didnt)). this game is very good but unless you have about 200+hours to spare i strongly reccomend downloading the save game i mentioned earlier.