its ok if you want a cheap thrill.
You play as Wolverine, a man with mutant powers including admantanium claws, healing powers and hightened sense of smell. You have been implanted with a chemical which will kill you in 2 days. If you dont find the cure you will die.
Basically what you will be doing in this game is fighting the enemies and clearing the path to the next level. its a standard beat 'em up but also has some gameplay features which help make the game abit more intresting and stopping it from being totally boring. When you press L2 or R2 (I cant remember which one) you go into stealth mode and the environment turns into a thermal view. With this you can see stuff that you wouldnt be able to see normally. For example if you were going across a minefield but you couldnt see where the mines were, you would switch to stealth mode and then you would see them and be able to avoid them. It also helps you to sneak around and not be caught by a guard. Another cool thing is the strike combos. When you are fighting an enemy, you can kick them and daze them. When they are dazed a word will come up on your screen saying 'strike' When this comes up you have to press circle. Wolverines will do a really good combo if you pull it off right. There are some unlockabes in the game aswell. As you progress you will unlockables such as new costumes.
Overall xmen 2 wolverines revenge is ok if you just want a cheap thrill but if your looking for something with more depth and class then I suggest something else. I liked it and it was the 10 pounds.