Not as bad people claim to say but not worth buying unless it's used and really cheap!

User Rating: 7 | X-Men 2: Wolverine's Revenge PS2
I got this game back in late 2003 when I was 14. The game looked cool and since I was a big Wolverine fan, I bought it. At the time, I didn't care, even if the game sucked, I always loved them. At the time it was a really difficult but fun game, each time I failed, I was motivated to re-try and do better next time.

I just picked the game up later when I was 18 and played it, it didn't make much impact on me since I had better games playing, especially at times when next-generation consoles are out. But I compared how it was back at the time in which PS2's were the most popular consoles and now in time of next-generation consoles.

I really liked them. It looked fairly detailed and for a game in 2003, it looked brilliant. Even by today's PS2 standards it looks rather good. Wolverine however looked weird, more hairy, beefy and older but that's why the game felt more grisly I guess.

A bit like a dungeon-crawler. You beat your way out of each level. Execute enemies with your incredible claws and progress through the game. The game was too hard though, it felt difficult to progress through. But the lengthy campaign made it worth playing and I finally did finish the game.

I'm not sure what to say, the game was rather cinematic so at times the camera was in bad positions but to make the game feel portrayed in the way the developers wanted it to be. Not too sure but I had mixed-reactions with the camera angles.

I liked all the places where you fought it. The settings looked rather interesting and the enemies who you fought blended in with the settings.
e.g. China, you fight ninjas

The game overall was rather interesting but it could have been better. But it is still a favorite of mine.