User Rating: 8.2 | X-Men 2: Wolverine's Revenge XBOX
Being a Fan of The X-Men and Wolverine, I'm glad theres finally a game starring Wolverine that we can enjoy. How this game has been getting bad ratings is beyond me, I loved every second of it. The voice acting is great with Mark Hamill doing a fantastic Logan and Patrick Stewart voicing Professor X. This game is a beat-em up. Going through levels, slicing people around as Wolverine never got old. The only major gripe I had with this though was the collision detection which didn't always do the job. The coolest aspect about this game is that it uses Wolverines aspects and incorporates them into the game, Like wolverines animalistic abilities and being able to smell and detect body heat. Going into a berzerker rage as Logan was also a neat affect. But all in all this was a game made for fans of X-Men and Wolverine. I can see why regular gamers weren't attracted to this game. But personally I enjoyed the game and while it could have been polished up a little better I was over all happy with the results.