Could have been great. SHOULD have been great. But not great at all.

User Rating: 5 | X-Men 2: Wolverine's Revenge GC
If you're a die-hard fan of Wolverine, or just a big fan of the X-Men in general, you can probably get some enjoyment out of this game. But if you're just a casual fan, or you want to play a beat em up game, you're probably better off choosing something else.

The game does have strong points. The story is straight out of the Marvel comics. If you want to know the backstory for Wolverine/Logan, you can find that here. The game features some common enemies, namely Sabretooth, Wendigo, Magneto, Juggernaut, and a couple others I wasn't too familiar with but fans will probably recognize. And as far as good guys, Professor X, Beast, Rogue, and Colossus make appearances. You can't play as any of them, they're just in cutscenes. Another strong point is the sound. Mark Hammill voices for Wolverine. He does it very well. But am I the only one who has a hard time picturing Luke Skywalker doing the gruff voice of Wolverine?

Unfortunately, the game had too many bad points. Gameplay being the primary offender. Being able to whip out your claws and retract them at will was cool. And the sometimes incredibly violent stealth moves were cool. But overall the gameplay was a disappointment. It was tough to strike people, you had to be facing them or you'd often miss completely. Also, there's a button used for special moves, and a screen will prompt you when you can use this move. Often these moves are the only way to take down bosses. The problem is, you have to be in a very specific spot in relation to the enemy. Often, by the time the prompt comes up and you press the button, you or the enemy has moved slightly and the prompt is already gone, and you can no longer do the move. This makes it unnecessarily difficult to defeat some enemies.

Another big problem is the camera angle. The game is 3rd person view, and often the camera adjusts automatically, and often into a very bad spot. Much of the game is spent re-adjusting the camera. The camera seems to love going to the ground and aiming up Wolverine's back side from his feet, which is pretty much the worst position imaginable. There are also a few platformer type areas where you have to carefully jump, all while the camera is exactly where you DON'T want it to be.

I'd say this game was the victim of haste, since it was timed to be out with one of the X-Men movies. With a little more time, it probably could have been very good. But as it stands, I'd say it's good for fans only.