With crap grafix, crap gameplay, and even worse sound this game is a big no no.
Well the gafix go nice when you are in mutant senses mode but normally they are rubbish. They are all to block and Logan looks nothing like his counter part. Although the graphics seem bad they are better than what this game soounds like. 4/10
The gameplay is flawed, with it being hard to hit combos because your chracter is too slow its just boring, and the ways the buttons are set out will annoy you aswell, but the blood - now that really looks like tomato sauce. Anyway i must admit the gameplay isn't that bad at times. 6/10
The actors need strangling, atrocius, it makes you want to murder yourself (not literually) And the bad thing is theres no subtitles so you can't mute it. waa! 3/10
Value: well its a short game but its longer than some so i suppose it would take an experince gamer 5hrs+ but anyone else 6hrs+. 5/10
Its not a good game, grafix, sound, and gameplay dont help, it might be worth a rental but dont buy. i give it 5.6 but it truthfully gets 4.7