Xbox Exhibition adds more bells and whistles than what you see from Sony's Jampacks.
Ever since the PS1 days, Sony thought it was a pretty good idea to compile a disk of demos of hot upcoming games and sell 'em for a couple bucks. I'm not sure if anyone actually bought the games just because they played the demo and liked it, but at least it was a cool little thing to play with for a little bit. And who knows, maybe you'd actually like the game. Then again, maybe you'd try a demo of a game you were thinking about buying, but then end up hating the gameplay on the demo and deciding not to buy it. Whatever, enough of my useless ranting. Anywho, Microsoft thought it was a good idea too, so they made the Exhibition demo for the Xbox. Each disk contains 9 demos. But they also added some extra stuff. On PS2 they have downloadable content for games which you can download to a memory card, and there's the same thing here. But on top of that, they decided to go out and get some indie music songs and put them on the disk for you to upload to the hard drive and use on games that support the custom soundtrack. I think that's a pretty cool idea but it's more of a novelty than anything else.
Obviously as of the writing of this review, Microsoft long since left the original Xbox behind in favor of the 360. And the 360 doesn't have these Exhibition disks because you instead have the option of downloading demos online. The thing is, though, some people just aren't ready to make the jump to the newer systems. Plus not everyone can afford $60 per game, so some people may buy older Xbox games just because they're really cheap now. Well if there's anyone out there who does that and also just happens to be reading this, *laugh*, well you can still find the Exhibition disks at Gamestop for only a couple bucks, and they're worth it if for nothing else but to have a few short demos of different gameplay types that you can play if you're tired and just want to play a game for 5 minutes or so. The problem is, a lot of these Exhibition disks have pretty crappy games on them. Not just the demos themselves that are bad, but the actual games in their full form were bad for the most part. Volume 1 has a demo of Halo, but who owns an Xbox that doesn't own Halo? It also has a Panzer Dragoon Orta demo (which, if you happen to be reading this *laugh again* and if you've never played that game, go out and buy it, it's great). But still, most of these games were bad anyway. The later Exhibition disks, 4 and later have good demos on them, but they're only good if you don't already own the full games obviously. Either way, if you read the above review, understood any of it, and are interested in these disks for any reason, check them out. Hey it's only a couple bucks, so not a very painful pill to swallow, right?