Exactly what you were craving from a strategy game after playing the original XCom series.
For anyone that's played the early versions, the combat has slightly changed. Instead of using action points to duck or lay down, you now choose to hide behind environmental objects for that extra layer of defense (similar to Gears of War). You also can no longer free-aim any gun, anywhere, outside of rockets and grenades. I miss this as I used to use it to blast a hole in a building for a shortcut. Another change comes from multiple bases. You only have one now. But it makes sense after you see the dozens of buildings you'll put at that base. And you do have multiple locations for your interceptors.
The voice acting and short cut scenes help make the game come to life. As does the monthly council review, to cover off on your performance. Overall this is a game that will not disappoint any fan of strategy turn based warfare. I love it. I hope a remake of Terror from the deep comes soon.