A progressive review - If you are interested in this game at all, please read on!

User Rating: 9 | Xenoblade Chronicles X (Special Edition) WIIU

First off - no, I have not finished this game. I am 10hrs. in, about to begin Chapter 4. As such, this progressive review will focus more on first impressions and the systems and world as I have experienced them thus far. I will be adding more opinions as I progress through, so remember to check back in a week or two if you are still on the fence. Well then! On to my impressions!

A short note: I have been gaming for 25 years or so, and there is one overarching theme I have discovered to be absolutely true - games are like meals, and game developers, like chefs. Some chefs produce fantastic dishes. Some do not. It's up to whomever is eating the meal to determine it's quality - to them. It's subjective; based on the particular likes and dislikes of the one doing the tasting. That being said, even the best chef in the world cannot make a dish delicious to all who eat it. It is a matter of personal taste. The opposite is true as well. A chef may make a dish that appeals only to a very small crowd - yet that crowd may call it their favorite. Games are the same. From triple A studios to a couple of guys and gals at home...games are subjective. Like a meal. And so far...Xenoblade Chronicles X is one of the best meals I've ever tasted.

Let's start with the obvious: the world of XCX is awesome, in every sense of the word. Several moments of my 10 hours with this game have been spent standing still, panning the camera around, taking in the scenery. Moutains. Rock formations. Caves. Grass, trees, animals, ocean....all of this and so much more. Everywhere I turn the camera I see a living world. Night and day. Dynamic weather. Dynamic weather that feels natural. Animals - indigens, as they are called in-game - travel about, some in packs, some that fly, some as tall as buildings...they all look naturally unfamiliar, as you would expect them to.

The XCX world is huge! I have discovered a pretty small portion of Primordia - maybe a tenth. In 10 hours. Primordia is big! Oh, yeah, the planet? It's called Mira. Primorida is one of its' 5 areas to explore. Just guestimating here, because I'm not sure how fast a skell is, but it could take upwards of 80 hours just to fully explore every inch of the games' map! And for a gamer like me, who loves to explore....yeah baby! Woo-hoo! This is a very exciting feature this game has to offer, and so far? The offering is wonderful!

The biggest detriment I have read concerning this game has been its' story. I haven't experienced a substantial amount of it yet, but from the parts I have seen, it's doing a pretty good job. Nothing super mind-blowing yet, but a solid framework for what the opening events set up. I love a good story. In fact, a good story is one of the primary elements I look for when I purchase a game. But I also have a pretty good imagination. If I like the premise of a story enough, I can fill in some of the blanks myself. So far, I am interested in the story, and am curious to see what happens next.

On to the combat - skells come much later in the game, so this is just normal, ground based battle so far. As a lover of more traditional JRPG battle systems, i.e. Final Fantasy style turn based (older FF...think 10 and before) - this system is a bit chaotic for me. Lots going on on-screen. Yet I am finding I don't mind it near as much as I thought I would. I still favor my-team-vs.-just-one-enemy battles over group affairs, because then I can really pay attention to all the details of what is going on effects-wise. All in all, while not really my favorite cup of tea, I still enjoy it, and it doesn't take away from the game.

There are lots of extras, too. Quests. Divisions. Classes. Affinity missions. I'll leave all that for you to discover, if you decide to pick up the game.

Final thoughts - I have played my 10 hours in four or five different sittings, and not once have I been frustrated with anything. I've always looked forward to my time with XCX. I'm looking forward to playing tonight sometime as I type this up. Oh, and the music? Different. But good. Definitely not what I would've expected, but then again, if everything was what I expected, what would be the point? Remember - XCX is a meal. And while I have only begun to taste what I have placed in front of me...so far? I've enjoyed every bite!

Do yourself a favor - like trying new things? Love to explore? Have a good imagination? Pick this game up. I guess there is a possibility you'll regret it....bu I highly doubt it.