Absolutely the best entertainment experience on any medium ever.
Have you ever played a game, watched a movie, or read a book that made you totally forget your surroundings and feel that you are a part of it? Well this game does that. It has a story like no other. It's very deep, developed, and cerebral. The characters are developed so well that you feel close to all of them. The combination of all this makes for the best story I have ever experienced.
Since this game came out after Final Fantasy 7 on Playstation, the graphics may not look much compared to the new games on PS2, PS3, Xbox, or Xbox360. But this game is so amazing, and the story so enthralling that when you are playing the game you will see it in your mind's eye. Your imagination will enhance what you see, since you are so absorbed in it's universe. And I don't think there is a next-gen system out there that can look better than what you can imagine so I give the graphics a 10/10.
As for the music, I have to say that it plays an integral role in the experience. Most of the tracks are simply brilliant, and enhance the mood and the storytelling experience ten fold. It is so good, that I own the soundtrack, and to this day still get goosebumps when listening to some tracks.
As far as the gameplay is concerned it's very fun. Add to this the brilliant story and the phenomenal score, and you have the most amazing game ever made.