User Rating: 9.6 | Xenogears: Elyhaym Van Houten Edition (Square Millennium Collection) PS
Everything about this game is great, EVERYTHING. The graphics are top of the line, the story is one of the best ever, the gameplay is fun and challenging. It's hard coming up with a fault.
This game has some of the best graphics ever presented on the playstation. The gears are as intricate as thay can be made and beautiful to boot. The mixture on anime overtones into the graphics, i.e. the character sprites and cut scenes, make the game stand out from so many others.
The storyline is so great it can't be put into words, well maybe it can. you don't know what is going to happen next half the time or who is on your side for that matter. You can figure some things out for yourself but you'll never guess the true depths those things until light is brought out on it. I think this storyline will reign among the most supreme ever conceved.
The gameplay is fun with it's interactive combo system. you much choose and learn new attacks that can deal huge amounts of damage depending on the enemy. The 3d maps can be fustrating with the jumping from ledge to ledge, i.e. tower of babel. The fustration is short lived however as you can quickly learn from your mistakes.
The one fault I have in this game is how easy it is if you prepare yourself and how impossible it is if you don't. The last boss (all six of them) were easy as i prepared myself from each encounter. It took me less than 20 minutes to beat them all including time between battles. all in all this game is a hairbreth away from prefection. if you like rpgs this game is one of the best.