The beginning of a "might-be" fantastic series...
Though many might not be able to sit through it all, Xenosaga actually has a deep, well balanced battle system. Yes, the game drags on because the story is told in beautiful, long cutscenes, but once all of those are said and done, the exploring and fighting are really fun. And there is actually a lot of it. Most people will gripe about the cutscenes being too long, but the way I look at it, they are actually equal in length to most of the time you'd spend reading text in any other RPG, except you get to watch it and hear it, instead of pressing X for 45 minutes.
Some of the best on the PS2. The FMVs are amazing looking, and the in-game graphics aren't far off from them.
Excellent voice acting, excellent SFX, excellent music. What more is there to say?
For the story alone, the game is worth playing through again. Especially when trying to understand it all.
A must play for any RPG fan. Don't miss out on what could be the next big series.