Story, RPG, and more Stroy, much to enjoy.........!!
Game Play: (RPG)
Innovative, and fun to play. Has lots of characters with a large story ahead of them. There story is told in the far and distant future with space ships and an impending doom lurking just out side another dimension (Known as the Nosis). Also don't be surprised to play for 30 minutes, and come across 5 to 10 minute cut sense. This can make the game feel slow until you are truly immersed into the story. There are two more games after this one so be ready to play the sequels to satisfy your need to know what happens to everyone.
The graphics are good but are a lot like Anime cartoons. If your not into that style then they can be annoying because things can look childish. There are a lot of cinematic cut scenes and for the most part they are fun and entertaining to watch. In fact I believe there is around 30 hours of movie time. Sit back and get ready to enjoy the games cinematic twists and turns.
Everything flows and gives the game the meat needed to make you want to put you heart and soul into helping these characters save themselves. Also not to worry the voice acting is well done so as you watch the game progress and I mean watch you will not be dying in agony.
Over view:
If you are looking for a fun RPG and love anime this game will be right up your ally. Enjoy the story and watch you characters grow in wisdom as the collect cool technics to devastate your enemies.