The best RPG of all time!

User Rating: 9.8 | Xenosaga Episode I Reloaded: Chikara e no Ishi PS2
Xenosaga is my all time favorite video game! As an RPG, it has all the main points that have made previous video game icons (Final Fantasy, Zelda, and the Shin Megami Tensai series) famous! Although they lost their main writer due to circumstances they have yet to disclose, Namco and Monolith managed to pull the series together and for that they deserve our utmost thanks! This union will discuss the supreme, breath taking RPG series that is Xenosaga!
The first installment, Der Wille zur Macht, brought us into an amazing world of exquisite graphics, loveable characters, and a unique battle system. From the very beginning the coolness that is KOSMOS takes the player by surprise. She is a unique, stylish heroine that makes players desperate to see her in action. Other spiffy characters are soon to follow. Shion, the nerdy, yet somehow sexy main character; Allen the loveable, but lame side kick; Ziggy, the mysterious machine man; MOMO, the adorable and genius damsel for the rescuing; chaos, the wise, usually reserved guy in the background; Jr, everybody's favorite short, red-headed gunner; the crew of the Elsa who always brings a smile and a laugh to your face; and of course, the somewhat sadistic, yet awsomely cool bad guy, Albedo. In the very first hours of the game the graphics have its players hooked with their amazing use of CG scenes and even nice looking battle graphics! And the plot is enough to keep any RPG fan enthralled throughout the whole game. All in all Episode I, you had me at hello.