After playing this game for an amazing 80 hours so far, first time just beating it, second time collecting all the skills and just about everything else, I have come across a common thread amond both these games. One thing that these games have in common is that they are both Xenosaga titles, but that is just about it. The gameplay is almost entirely different, and the expereience points and skill points are no where near as good as in the first game. This xenosaga title focusses more on the possiblity of giving you an almost infinite number of combonations when you are making your characters, in terms of experience and growth that is. But as the same time it is also playing hard on the side of how a game can really make you angry. What i really didn't like about this game is that one, you don't get to collect either weapons or even money. You don't get money so that means that you can't buy things meaning that upgrading your character is limited to the skill points you recieve.. which are not nearily as pentiful as they should be. I have complete not only 1 but 2 of the secret dungeuons and killed every unit in the game more then 3 times, and I am still only at level 55.. this means that getting your character up to level 99 is dam near imposible.. unless you spent every waking hour of your day playing boring battles.. Now that is getting me to another one of my points. The battles in the begging are semi fun, in the way that they are different from the first game, but as soon as you play your 100th battle, of the only combiniationsbbeing square and triangle you relize how boring all of it is and you just want to give up. At the same time this game focuses more on a fast paced, shorter expereince which is not what I was looking for. The game in my opinion should have been shaped after the first. I wish that I had known this before i bought it. However the cliff hanger ending I know will keep me coming back for ever ... I just hope that in xenosaga 3 they go back to what made the series so popular in the first place and get ride of this crappy new system...
Other Helpful Reviews for Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Bose
The first Xenosaga was a unique RPG experience for me. I had never played a game that featured so many cut scenes, most of which were considerably long. Fortunately the scenes were done very well, and it made for an en... Read Full Review
Xenosaga is an RPG series split into episodes. Episode 2 starts where the first game left off, however if you do not know the story from the first game, you will be lost throughout most of this episode wondering what’s ... Read Full Review