Not as good, but pretty good.

User Rating: 9.2 | Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Bose PS2
OK OK OK OK. Xenosaga II. Fans of Xenosaga will be pretty disappointed by the game though.

Gameplay: The overworld walking is basically the same as Xenosaga, just running around, but...overworld enemies, when they see you, just move SUPER FAST, that the warning signal can't blink for more than half a second. Oh, and the new battle system, really confusing until you get the hang of it.

Graphics: Beautiful, except for Shion's new outfit, which kinda reminds me of an acrobat class in an MMORPG called FlyFF.

Sound: Beautiful sound, but JUST because of all the people sounding like robots at the beginning, and even a little during and after the game, KOS-MOS sounds human. Oh, and when MOMO casts a spell, ether, whatever you wanna call it, it sounded like someone ripped it off of some Nintendo DS recording, like from Nintendogs or something.

Value: Pretty good, you'll get a lot from this game. Fun, booklet, 2 discs, and hours of fun RPG gameplay.

Tilt: The Game was perfect. For me, anyways.