best of the three and with graphics that blow me away.

User Rating: 8.4 | Xenosaga Episode III: Zarathustra wa Kaku Katariki PS2
this one seemed to bridge the gap bettween the first two character styles giving them back that chibi cuteness will also giving a more realisic touch.

gameplay: i was actaully suprised there was more to due and for once you didn't have to find the pieces of the robot erde again.

with a switch from the other battle styles this one was the easiest to learn even if you played the first two and had those battle styles embedded into your brain.

what enjoyed most were the specail attacks and watching shion fall on her butt after firing a round is always entertaining.

the mechs move faster while traveling and are used more now, the battles while riding them have been complete rebuilt and every action has a pretty video to go with. the addition of double team and the triple attacks are nice.

once again the specail attacks are nice and fun to watch.

with the addition of leveling specails you'll have more then enough to do.

hacox gameplay: ah hacox the source of many good laughs.
haox is a small mini game that you lead the characters to the end and try to keep them alive, but if your bored then killing the characters leads to much death screams and yelling from them.

anyway there are many characters that get imported into the mini game even the elsa crew.

at first it is easy but as the modes get unlocked the difficulty gets to a mean level but even if you get frusterated killing one or two characters always helps.

but if that's not enough you can even build stages.

graphics: holy mother of pearl...

the graphics are what i consider to be the best i have seen on a ps2 game yet, and once again the durandel is a great example, to bad it doesn't seem to show up much.

the worlds are huge and have many places to go now even more then before.

and as always space fights are top notch.

but for the best example of outstanding graphics the mitian conflict is the best.
as for the conflict that they talk about through the first two games enough to beat the ban well you get to be on the planet as it happens i don't know what could even be better then watching a war happen.

ok that could just be me also.

the only thing i was unhappy with were the cutscenes with the text boxes, but being it has to end the game early i can see why.

hacox graphics: not much to say it is a mini game.

the game has graphics you would noramlly seen on an arcade machine which is good seeing as it was made to be like a game for the characters to play.

watching the characters get flattened is good too.

story: this one is the most story heavy of the three and is full of info to take in. this was good for me because i'm a type that likes to research so the database is often explored for all the answers i need.

but it is confusing and it often pays to watch cutscenes closely, i was guilty of this forgot what juli said once and ran around the stage for about 30 minutes wondering "what the". i was lucky i recorded the scene or i'd probably still be running around.

characters: you'll be seeing all the original cast along with a few new guys, i can stand when they throw characters away without a reason.

once again the characters haven't changed, and by now if you haven't in the first two, you should know these guys more then yourself, or at least that's true for me.

sound: shion is no longer muffled to death i can die happy!

that is a good thing all the characters sound decent in this game, and all lipsync is no longer off by 2 seconds.

this game has probably the only in-game music that i actually noticed, even if it was just one song.

the annoucer in the building stages must be shot though, i've heard her run her mouth to much.

overall: the series as a whole was just that one thing that i was missing in my list of favorites.

as for the game the graphics were amazing and the characters look decent and sound decent. but i want to bring a mech into the buildings to shoot the annoucer.

the story is a main focus for the whole thing and should feel that way.

the reason i took to this game so fast wasn't because i like anime or because i like rpgs as reviewers say. the reason i love this game is it's focus on the future and technolgy.

basicly stick a computer, robot, or any futuristic gun, vehicle, or mech and i love it. it really doesn't matter what it is.

like kingdom hearts 2 my favorite world is hollow bastion, why?
because in the basement of that castle is the biggest supercomputer i have ever seen. it's beautifull...

sorry to rant but i don't want to be cliched or sterotyped on this game.