Same non-good system like Boiling Point! Crapped off!!

User Rating: 1.5 | Xenus II: White Gold PC
As I started playing, I was fascinated from the Far Cry-like environment, but soon i noticed that from the close look this looks much more sh*tty than Far Cry today. But it's not all that bad, it got many visual effects, that can impress the player such as dynamic HDR rendering. This of course doesn't rescue the very dusty graphics, which in particular become visible when moving near to complex objects.

The gameplay starts very average (you sit in a boat and have to defend it from approaching boats and helicopters. Either what you do, you get to the island.). From that moment on, you're free to do everything; almost. You get some advices and can place your own missions schedule, this was quite interesting, because of the variety of guys you got to talk to. But after a while you feel a bit exhausted from this always repeating pattern of talk-walk-make your mission-walk-get your money.

The sound is quite ok, from then to then a bit strange (unrealistic weapon sounds) and always the same music, which bores already after half an hour. The speakers (russian) are quite good and in a wide variety present. The lipsync in opposite it totally whacked off.

After 7-8 hours it got as boring as Boiling Point after 2 hours. It surely makes fun to play but not for long. If the developers would only have created something new and wouldn't had relied on old whooped-off engines and systems, it would surely have become a great game which had entertained me for several days or weeks!