The game features a very interesting mix of FPS and RPG and offers many interesting and great features for the player.

User Rating: 9 | Xenus II: White Gold PC
Overall, short version:
The game is fun to play and the mix between RPG and FPS is well made, it is great for RPG fans and also a decent game for FPS players, where you need to think how and where to get better weapons, vehicles and how efficiently you can kill enemies with less ammo. The game map is very large and it is fun to explore it, do quests helping other people, and there is a feeling, that the NPC are warm and realistic. The game is very good and polished, but as for me, I expected a larger amount of ground in the game, because the playable area (which is free to explore) is divided in to several small islands, which isn't so great for land vehicles. The graphics are good, not the best, but decent for 21th century.

Large version:
First of all I would like to say, that thanks to Vital Engine 3 it is better and more polished from the previous game "Boiling Point: Road to Hell", which was build on Vital Engine 2.

The graphics aren't the freshest, but offers for players very good visual effects such as "..various post processing effects including HDR (High Dynamic Range), motion blur and a host of others. In comparison to Vital Engine 2, the physics system for vehicles has also been greatly improved. Moreover, some of the new engine's strengths are destructible objects, which will be taken advantage of everywhere in the game, and the support for a huge, unified playing area".

The game offers almost complete freedom for the players, you can do almost anything from the start, do side-quests, go do the main quest directly or just walk around, talk to people and some of them will offer you some tasks, which, if successfully completed, will increase your reputation to the fraction of which the NPC gives the quests and you may also receive a reward from the NPC.

If the quest involves harmful actions to other fractions, then there will be consequences such as you may not be so welcome to those fractions, which will see you as hostile and may open fire upon you without a warning. On the other hand, successful quests will increase the reputation with that fraction. Each kill affects the relationship with fractions.

As in "Boiling Point: Road to Hell" there are several vehicles in this game, SEA, LAND, AIR, and they all use fuel, are destructible, switchable lights, and you can flatten a wheel (you can fix it by yourself or ask a mechanic to do it (requires some side-quests in the start)). Very realistic, you can shoot the windows out from the vehicles and as a result you can kill the driver without destroying the vehicle.

The RPG elements in this game are very flexible, you can pick up equipment from dead body's, you can upgrade existing equipment using various upgrade items, which can be bought mainly from weapon dealers, you can use various food items, medicine and several other useful inventory items. Player can receive zonal damage and depending on what part he gets hit, there are consequences, for example, you can be hit in an arm, which affects the precision of your shooting, or if you get shot in the leg(s), you cannot runs so good.

As for armor you have one slot for the armor vest, where you will discover some variety of them roaming on enemy camps or buying from weapons dealer.

When you reach the next level you receive one skill point, which you may distribute on a large variety of skills, where some offers more carrying weight options, precisions, bargain and other functions, that are permanent.