If you are a fan of Comic Books, FPS, and wouldn't mind a great multiplayer game, then XIII is for you. Many people might disagree with this review, but I have found XIII to be one of the best games for GameCube. XIII boasts a Mature rating, which might be surprising considering the graphics look like they came straight from a comic book. Most FPS focus on providing a close to life experience by displaying the latest in graphics technology and physics engine. XIII is the change of pace I was waiting for in a FPS. The cell-shaded graphics mixed with plenty of blood is a perfect oxymoron. XIII has a driving, twisting story-line that will keep you guessing till the end. When you get to the end, the story takes another unexpected twist to leave you baffled. Once you pick it up and dive into the story, it's a hard game to put down. It's hilarious, crude, and highly entertaining. The one player game will provide you with hours of fun, as it will take you a considerable amount of time to beat the game. Be prepared for a challenge on the harder difficulty levels as well. The multiplayer portion of the game could use some improvements, but serve the purpose. I would have liked to see as many options in XIII as TimeSplitters 2 has, but nonetheless it does a great job. By this time, XIII should be around $20. I paid $49 for mine and it was worth every cent. XIII will be the best $20 you'll spend right now.
XIII is one of those games where it´s really worth tolerating the game´s faults, in XIII´s case: Flimsy and twitchy gunplay, suicide-mentality AI and out-dated health system. These quirks might seem like they can sev... Read Full Review
XIII oozes with style, and it definitely has substance. It succeeds as a solid shooter worth playing, as well as an excellent example of good storytelling. The game itself is well polished and very fun to play, with almo... Read Full Review