The review is pretty dead on. The AI is a little wonky what with the entire enemy force being crackshots, which would be really great if stealth were that much of a factor. But sometimes the enemy seeing you is scripted for no reason. Also, with the exception of David Duchovny a lot of the voice acting is plain terrible. Some of the cutscenes are motion sickness inducing, and I'm not exactly positive as to why. And seriously, seriously, saving the game will only bring you to the beginning of the level. Is it really too much to ask for a full on save at checkpoints if not save anywhere? The story is pretty fun, and some of the head shot inserts are pretty cool. But it just doesn't seems like the same game everyone was hyping a few months ago.
If you are a fan of Comic Books, FPS, and wouldn't mind a great multiplayer game, then XIII is for you. Many people might disagree with this review, but I have found XIII to be one of the best games for GameCube. XII... Read Full Review
XIII is one of those games where it´s really worth tolerating the game´s faults, in XIII´s case: Flimsy and twitchy gunplay, suicide-mentality AI and out-dated health system. These quirks might seem like they can sev... Read Full Review