This game is perhaps the most underated FPS game to date..

User Rating: 8.5 | XIII XBOX
The good: Unique graphics - nice comic book style art - sharp sound - good gameplay - good story line.

The bad: not so great voice acting - the AI has an IQ of 50.

You wake up on a beach with amnesia not know how you got where you are or why.
And lucky you a lifeguard has found you and she tells you to follow her to the beach house.
So then she has you lie down so you can be treated for your head wounds, thats when the bad guys show up.
You find a pistol lying around in the beach house and tahts when the butt kicking starts.
The few minutes somewhat help you understand what is going on.
You learn that you are actually agent XIII (or 13) in an assassins league.
Or are you? You later find out that you are the most wanted man in the country for being a suspect in the assassination of the president.
The story does go way deeper than this but i wont ruin it for you..
The rest of the game is basically trying to figure out who framed you and why, or if you really did kill the president.
You will encounter a few different types of enemies during the campaign. Some wearing armor some not. But after a while you will start to notice that most of the enemies look the same. Not that this is a problem it's just that a little variety would have been nice.
The game has 13 chapters to go through and may take around 8-10 hours to complete.
The gameplay is just simply very good.
You can pick up chairs or bottles lying around and smash enemies in the head with them.
The gunplay feels very good, firing the weapons feels very good as does meleeing an enemy.
Speaking of weapons, there are around maybe 15 weapons including knives, two assault rifles RPG, SMG, pistols, grenades, sniper rifle and some others.
And every weapon you find you can keep in your inventory.
You can also find medkits to help get your helth back up if it is low.

The voice acting is not all that great some of the actors such as a female major you meet in the game, her acting is just plain cheesy. But, the person that plays Agent XIII i felt did a good job.

There is multiplayer for up to 4 players splitscreen and up to 6 online. BUt if you dnot have live or any friends to play with you can also use bots.
But each map has a certain amount of people that can play in it. The max is 8 and minimum is 4.
There a few game modes like deathmatch, team deathmatch, a search and destroy like game mode, capture the flag.
But since the Ai is so dumb and no one plays the online anymore you may be stuck playing with just friends, But, you can set the bots to be harder which does seem to help them be smarter. And therefore being able to use bots.
There are around maybe 10 maps most of them are for 6 people only but the larger maps are the most fun since its ore wide open.
There is also some other problems with the multiplayer.
If there is a sniper rifle on the map who ever gets it first if they are a good shot will dominate the round. And since there are quite a few health packs in each of the maps it can get frustrating after you have put 2 whole clips into an enemy and they are still not dead. There is also armor in the multiplayer also making harder for enemies to kill you or for you to kill them.
But just because there are problems in the game does not really hurt the game. The game is simply "fun".

The sound as previously stated is sharp the guns each have there own sound and almost sound real. The music is also very good, somewhat adding emotions. But the acting does leave something to be desired.

The graphics in my opinion are very good, the use of cell-shading was very well done here by ubisoft. And the comic book style is also very nice.

So overall some might like this game some might not.. But there is one thing this game is. "fun". And along with the sound and graphics makes this game very worthwhile.

Single player: 8.4/10
Multiplayer: 9.0/10
graphics: 9.5/10
Sound: 9.5/10
Acting: 7.8/10
gameplay: 9.1/10
funnessfactor: 9.8/10
Overall score: 8.6/10