Techno, artistic, lots of flashing lights (*Seizure Warning*), takes some time to get started.

User Rating: 8 | Xyanide XBOX
Just got this game from my local bargain bin. Only have played 5 hours or so but I still haven't figured everything out. It is much more complicated than the normal shooter. Have seen some people try to compare it to other shooters. It is in the same genre as Ikaruga, but that is about as far is the similarities go. Ikaruga was a, in a weird way, a puzzle game, there was a right way of doing things. In Xyanide the enemies always come from the same places, but once they get to you, you have several different ways to react. You can make yourself small and dodge them. Turn on a reflect shield and kill them with their own bullets. or I guess you could just shoot them all. If you stay patient, and keep yourself from turning the difficulty all the way down. You will slowly learn the complexity of the game that isn't seen often in rest of the genre. If you keep the difficulty on normal, it is a hard game and has a learning curve that is much longer than the 60 minutes its been labeled with. I like the game, but was a fan of arcade shooters before this one. I'd recommend this game to anyone who is already in the genre.