Although it's not spectacular, Yakuza is a solid entry to the PS2 lineup. It has a compelling story (which is for the most part devoid of those awkward video game storytelling moments that make you cringe) and even though the fighting system gets a little repititive after a while, you can learn some new moves along the way which keep it interesting. The game looks great, its one of the best-looking games on the PS2...after it's finished loading. The loading issues get quite annoying after a while, and waiting for each fight to begin can get quite tedious, especially at the times when the streets are full of thugs who run up to you to start a fight. However, the RPG elements and side stories keep you interested in the game and story. Overall, it was definitely a good game.
Paraphrased. This game freaking rules! It's the bastard child of Shenmue, GTA and River City Ransom - complete with buying wacky food at restaurants for healing, XP, and getting armor & stuff at pawn shops. I coul... Read Full Review
Most video games we've seen over the years have always been Mafia games based on the Italian Mafia through various parts of America. But we never hear much of other Mafia games until Sega released Yakuza which was releas... Read Full Review