Yakuza, fun, decent story plot and loads of blood and violence. Good game except all the annoying battles.

User Rating: 7.7 | Ryuu ga Gotoku PS2
The game in its entirity is well done. There is massive similarance to Shenmue series, the movements the fighting. Though, in Yakuza they are smoother moments and the character does not feel rigid as in Shenmue. This is PS2 Shenmue attempt which is obvious and anyone who plays this will notice that.

Back to this game, it sees the main character Kazuma who is the man people fear as he is a well known Yakuza and is one of the strongest about, he has everything going for him, until a murder happens and he takes the blame for it on behalf of his friend losing everything and going to jail.

The bad points of the game first:

Whilst moving around the free areas in the town, the screen is constantly flicking angles, this oftens leaves u lost in where you were going and because of this you go back to where you had come from.
Also the fight scenes can be very frustrating, especially if you are fighting bad guys with bullets cause, well you cannot literally do anything until they stop shooting.
The moment of Kazuma during battles can also be frustrating, as you can be doing a combination of fight moves, the bad guy moves out the way and your still kicking/punching away at nothing. Leaving yourself vunerable for a beating.
Lastly, this is what annoyed me the most. You are constantly thrown into battle against people whilst walking the streets, just as you would be in Final Fantasy. But most the time they approach you and sound like chickens when they do.

Good points

The plot is fairly well done, in the sense it isn't completely predictable, it does add an element to what is going on that can keep you playing.
If you like having a massive fight scene then there are quite a few in the game, especially at a funeral where you have to escape, loads of battles and well by this stage it would be a good idea to be used to the battle controls as you meet a tough guy at the end
One of the things i found is that you can get yourself lost in the game and play it for hours and hours and you wouldn't have realised how long you had played it, well not until your eyes drop out.

There are loads to do in the game, alot of side missions, play on the arcade machines and so on. Go see a strip show or win yourself a lady to go on a date with.

Overall, i would say it is well worth playing it, and if your a fan of Shenmue i'm sure you will like this too.