From 10minuets to 4 hours of game play= A Big Ball of Confusion.
Throughout the game there are shady areas of business from brothels to black market weapon shops under the cleaver rouse of your everyday wholesome porn shop. As I interact with the iki iki girls at the bars, im having a great time trying to get them to fall in love with me....Then Haruka comes into the picture and certain actions that you do will raise or lower her respect for you. One night I thought "Huh, maybe I'll go spend time with the gals." And just before I walked into the dive you have the option to go in and leave Haruka outside in the dark cold, surrounded by hoodlums, gang members and prostitutes. Or you can be a good "Uncle Kazuma" and get her some ice cream and take her home. I thought to myself that this is no place for a little girl thus I didnt go into the dive and took Haruka home.....then went back. At the given point in time I legitimately didnt want to leave Haruka all alone outside so I didnt go in. When the gameplay gets deep enough to where you make a personal moral decision, that says something about the game. Minor things like that, which spark emotion that you wouldnt initially think this game could do....Following cinemas further increase your relationship with Haruka and other members of people you hold dear and many of the cinematic breaks were done beyond what I was going to expect.
The Good: Fun game play with an unexpected nurturing quality that radiates as you play.
The Bad: Play style does get linear fight after fight. The initial city could have been larger with more mini adventures to explore....Yakuza felt like Shenmue just without the city depth.
Overall its no big blockbuster and its not the worst game in the world. But I can see how many people whom come to play this game will either hate it or love it between the first 10 minuets to 4 hours of game play.