i love this game, i have always been in love with the yakuza. playing this made me want to be in the yakuza even more.

User Rating: 9.1 | Ryuu ga Gotoku PS2
yakuza is a masterpeice, i cant put this game down. i like the fact that they are really in depth with the yakuza world. the characters take a life of their own through out the story. in my opinion, kazuma-san is one of the most bad ass character i seen in while. playing this has made want to be in the yakuza world even more. i have always wondered what it was like to live the life of a yakuza, playing this lets me take a closer look. yakuza is soooo freakin awesome, i cant put the game down, i cant wait till the second comes out. the graphics are on point and the story line is great.