I would love to start this review off by saying why the F@#% did you buy this game, but as you shortly realize the constant profanity portrayed in the game makes it one of the most foul mouthed games ever made. The graphics are ok, and the lighting around the neon sings makes it stand out. The fighting system is sloppy and makes it difficult to fight anyone. I playered about 12 hours through the game and had to quit due to the continues use of the "F" word. There was no reason to continue to use this word for no reason. At least in Scarface the bad language was used in sarcastic humor.
If you played this game through, props to you....as I am sure that the 'F' word is now part of you hourly vocabulary.
Paraphrased. This game freaking rules! It's the bastard child of Shenmue, GTA and River City Ransom - complete with buying wacky food at restaurants for healing, XP, and getting armor & stuff at pawn shops. I coul... Read Full Review
Most video games we've seen over the years have always been Mafia games based on the Italian Mafia through various parts of America. But we never hear much of other Mafia games until Sega released Yakuza which was releas... Read Full Review