I would rather buy a plastic bag suffocation from a man on a random street corner than play this game again!!!
Lets talk a little about the game...Its free. The best things in life are free. Thats the saying. Whomever made that quote had no idea what the crap Yaris was. The graphics are mindblowing, but not in the sense of, "HOLY CRAP, I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW GOOD THIS LOOKS!!!" No, no, no. Yaris falls under that catagory of, "Who in God's name allowed this to ever see the light of day?" If you let your small child play this, I am almost certain that they would have some form of mental retardation by the 3rd grade, if not sooner.
Its sound can only be compared to kneeling down next to a weed wacker, and having someone hold it mere INCHES away from your face.
The graphics are as if the person holding the weed wacker, proceeded to maul your face off with it.
Its abillity to connect with the player stops at the achievement points. Its almost like a sick, twisted game. They have them, but is it actually worth killing yourself to get them? There should be an achievement for downloading Yaris, and then immediately burning your hard drive.
To tell you about the actuall contents of the game would be pointless, so I will sum it up. You drive a Yaris that has a baby mutant/ robotic arm thing attached to it. You shoot stuff on a track while racing against the time. While doing that, you collect coins to unlock other Yaris cars, and colors...THATS IT!!!
If you need proof, or if you are suicidal, then by all means, play Yaris for the XBL Arcade.
Oh, and I didn't bother to check my spelling in this review. Why? Well, because Yaris didn't bother to have a single damn test for any kind of bug or glitch, so I figured I would stick with the same trend with the review!!!