Yaris starts out as a waste of time, then slowly becomes a more painful waste of time as the clock ticks on.
The gameplay in Yaris is simple: you get a Toyota Yaris at the start of the game and must race through eight progressively harder (and I mean harder) tracks. Rather than racing against other Toyota Yarises, you are forced to shoot some of the most surreal enemies in a racing game ever. Some of the enemies you encounter are toasters on wheels, snakes, something with wings, giant luchadores on motorbikes, giant flying robots, and something that appears to be a parking meter. I like a little surrealism in my games every once in a while, but these enemies are just... very weird. They will fire at you and attempt to lower your shields. Your objective is to complete every track while avoiding the enemy's fire. This is often very difficult to achieve, as you are forced to buy upgrades constantly in order to survive the extremely steep difficulty curve. You also get different weapons to shoot the enemies with, but the starting weapon usually is all you need. Over time, the game gets pretty boring, as you are forced to play the same tracks over and over again in order to get coins for upgrades.
The graphics are above N64 quality, but below Dreamcast quality. The models are crisp, but the textures are simply horrible and virtually nonexistant. They are all literally flat panels of red or some other color. Shadows are nonexistant.
The sound consists of boring sound effects and a looping music track that gets painful to listen to after the 500th time.
Overall, Yaris isn't the worst game ever made (because it works), but it's still pretty boring. If you're going to download the game for free achievement points, think twice, because the achievements aren't hard to earn, but take a while to earn. You probably won't earn all of them, or any of them for that matter, before you remove Yaris from your hard drive.