Sweet Zombie Jesus.
Yolanda is horrible. It calls itself the ultimate challenge. Fair play, but when this challenge involves trying to jump on a platform which doesn't RANDOMLY EXPLODE INTO FLAMES, or being switched from level to randomly-generated level, it's less of a challenge and more of a trial. Yolanda was created, and oddly marketed, as the sort of game that prides itself on its difficulty level. Now, I'm all for a game to be challenging. You've gotta get your money's worth, haven't you? Yolanda takes this one step too far, and renders itself UNPLAYABLE. The longest I survived without being burned to death for not moving for two seconds, jumping a pixel too short and dying for it or merely getting hit by some random projectile was about 40 seconds.
Videogames are meant to be enjoyable, and fair game if challenge comes into this. A game's not enjoyable if you can beat it in seven minutes and twenty-two seconds (Great Waldo Search, anyone?). Yolanda, however, doesn't seem to know what it wants to be, and ends up coming across as pointless, impenetrable and pretty damn pretentious. It's been relegated to the recesses of even the most ardent Amiga 500 nut since its release, and unfortunately people like me just keep digging it up.
View my original, and far more explosive, exploration of this rancid lump of a piece of software here: http://www.lemonamiga.com/reviews/view.php?id=197