Ground-breaking Xbox experience. Effective, easy to follow, and used by a local fire department here.

User Rating: 7.9 | Yourself!Fitness XBOX
This "game" offers something a lot of people need: exercise. I got Yourself! Fitness for my wife and I ended up using it more than her. You have an option to just start an excercise session as a guest, but I chose to set up a profile. The profile includes your name, weight, age, height to start. Next it will ask you to perform certain exercises so that Mya, your virtual personal trainer, can get a feel of what level to start your training. You'll be ask to do a series of excercises to get your heart rate to determine if you should have a high or low impact workout regiment. After that, she tell you, based on your target weight, if you should enter a weight loss plan or maybe just tone up with strengthening exercises. You'll select days of the week to workout. She will suggest a particular workout everyday from the choice of: upper body, lower body, core, weight loss or cardio. You can choose anyone you'd like, but she will make a suggestion based on the type of program you selected during your profile. You also have the option to use a balancing ball, step platform, or hand weights. There are over 500 excercises, so Mya will almost accomodate anything. After you select your days of the week to workout, Mya will do her best to help you stick to it. If you miss a day, be prepared to be scolded the next day. If you make all of your days on a regular basis, you can earn different locations to workout. You start out with two locations for your workour with Mya: a dojo and a penthouse loft. After a certain number of consecutive commitments are met, you can earn other locations (up to three more). Mya motivates you throughout the work and you're able to select the music (based on the list they provide). You can also select up to five levels of exercise depending on your skill level. You can set workout times from 15 mins to an hour. It's a very effective workout (you WILL sweat) and I actually lost about 15 lbs. on it after using it for about a month (working out 30 mins a day for four days a week). If you love exercise, you'll love this "game". If you have a girlfriend or wife who loves exercise, then this is a must-have. Just don't get jealous when she steals Xbox time from you! :)